Monday, January 12, 2015

all ducked out

Here are the fruits of my labor for our potluck Championship Game dish. You get the color thing, right? The overwhelming Oregon yellow/green, dwarfing the Buckeye red?

Kiwi, banana, pineapple, mango, orange segments with a smattering of out-of-season-and-therefore-shitty strawberries.

So, this is my first post-resolution beer fest and I expect there will be many options. Pizza? Burgers? Oh my God, nachos, even? Will I remain a clean eater, or will I jump into a vat of cheese sauce whilst sucking Jell-O shots?

I'll report back. Happy football! Are you watching, too?


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Yeah, Go Ducks!!! :-)

  2. So. I did not jump into a cake, nor did I pork down all the guac. Aside from sampling a thimble of bootleg hooch and a lip-tinge of cinnamon whiskey, I mostly kept to the game. Oh, wait, there were those those two See's candy chocolates.

    But I will say, I expect the entire state of Oregon to be even more depressed than usual for a few days. Luckily, the rain shouldn't blast us until we're mostly out of our post-season blues.

  3. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Well, since my Broncos are out of it....Go Hawks!!!

    1. You are a Washingtonian now for reals!


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