Sunday, May 13, 2012

step it up

Alright you guys. I'm on the home stretch. The plot-board driven YA experiment with the working title RAISING CHEER is about 30 pages from finished. Draft one, anyway. How do I know this? Because of the plot board! It's all mathematical and exact, like a science lab. I have five small scenes and a grand finale to left to write. I can see that yellow tape and I'm gonna throw my hands up and break it with my belly when I barge through.

What's with the exercise metaphor? Well, I'll tell you. As a nice Mother's Day gift, my husband dragged me to an 8:30 aerobics class at the gym today. Something called Sweat Like a Pig Plus Abs. Or maybe it was Simulate Labor and Delivery Plus Abs. Anyway, the Mother's Day correlative was apt--the lunges and the quad stuff in particular resembled that 8-centimeters dilated portion of labor. Transition, I think it's called. When you call your husband a lot of really mean names and he disappears out of the labor room under the pretense of having to go to the bathroom? Girls, you know what I'm talking about, right?

I guess I'm sort of at the transition stage of RAISING CHEER, too. Rising action, shit hitting the fan, and one last BIG EVENT before all is mostly well, and my beloved characters are out of danger. The proverbial infant safely delivered and suckling at the breast.

And speaking of breasts, got any good sports bra recommendations?


  1. congrats on the home stretch.
    i like doubling up on my exercise bras--but that's probably just me.

    (i don't know whether to say "congrats" or "i'm sorry" on the husband-dragging-you-to-aerobics-class-at-8:30-a.m. mine woke the kids at the crack of dawn and went out to get donuts before i woke. you'll probably be happier with the after results that i am.)

    1. Doubling up!? I never thought of that. Excellent idea. And, I ate like a pig all day--donuts would have been diet food in comparison!

    2. And, you can't hide from me, Josie. I'd know that lower case i anywhere!

  2. Suzy, I don't know how you do it! Do you think the plot board works as well for memoir? I don't think so....At least not for me. But you're an inspiration and I just might try it! As far as sports bras go....I get all that stuff at the Nike outlet store on MLK, and only when they're seriously marked down, so the pickings are sometimes fairly slim.

    1. Sara, I actually think a plot board could be a brilliant thing to introduce to the memoir writing. The post-its would be a little less variable though. I've been peeling them off like crazy lately. After thinking I knew the EXACT ending four times, I've yet again changed my mind. I am grateful to whatever scientist came up with that post-it adhesive -- it's so forgiving!

  3. Bras. Now there's one of the few things I know too much about. Best bra for jogging, hands down: Enell. I used to wear 2 bras and Enell put an end to that! Nothing moves in an Enell.

    I've used almost all of my pony post its. Perfect for the job. :-)

    1. Enell it is! (Because nobody wants to see 50-yr old boobs doing the cha-cha-cha)

    2. They're expensive, about $70, but they really are like a straight-jacket. And they have hooks in the front so they're easy to get off when you're sweaty. So worth it. I've had 2 of these bras for 9 years --- they never wear out.

    3. I'm all about the straight-jacket when it comes to making my naughty bits behave. Do they come in a conical shape? You know, circa 60's? Can I be bounceless AND retro? Hm...

    4. Oh god. I've gained 15 pounds over the past year and my cups overfloweth. I'm seriously annoyed with myself for letting it happen, especially since I used to have those waif-like perky Bs. Now my tits are all over the place, and totally in the way.

      You'll be getting the 'before Portland' view of me, Suzy. A few months from now I expect you to look at me and say, Why Averil, have you lost weight? You look amazing!

      (Practice that until it comes naturally.)

    5. Also, congratulations on the new baby! I'll bet she's a beauty.

    6. Why Averil, you look smashing! How's that?

      Summer's always great for dropping the lbs. I fluctuate 10 pounds every year--like a hibernating mammal, you know? Winter wt/summer wt. Although sitting on my ass to get this baby out, there's an extry rind of fat to work off now. And I'm seriously gonna be in dark chocolate detox.

      And the baby, she's lovely--but the episiotomy was murder.

    7. Very good! I can see you're a natural at insincere flattery–it's the first thing I look for in a friend.

      The hibernating mammal line cracks me up. I look like a fucking mama bear while the salmon are running. Portland, save me from the couch.

  4. I would totally sweat that hard for an official-looking, confidence-inspiring, mathematical/scientific plot board for my next novel.

    Instead, I'll be sitting over here eating three consecutive bowls of cereal and trying to wing it. While spilling soy milk on myself, of course. Because that's how I roll.

    1. Where would be writers be without our Capn' Crunch?


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